Director Doctor of Medical Science, Assistant ProfessorLocation:
Health Professions BuildingPhone:
540-542-6204Email: sdempsey09@madorders.com
Educational History:
MBA Masters of Business Administration, Longwood University
Healthcare Administration
DMSc Doctor of Medical Science, University of Lynchburg
Doctoral Capstone: Barriers to Implementation of Opioid Prescribing Guidelines
MPAS Master of Physician Assistant Studies, Shenandoah University
BS Bachelor of Science in Child & Adolescent Psychology, University of Arkansas Monticello
Emergency Medicine Fellowship Carilion Clinic
Fields of Expertise:
- Clinical Expertise in Emergency Medicine and Point of Care Ultrasound.
- Emergency Medicine Certificate of Added Qualification
- Adult learning with emphasis in hybrid/online education
Professional Highlights:
Professional Practice experience as a physician assistant in emergency medicine in both Level I Trauma centers as well as rural Critical Access Hospitals.
Group leader for multiple medical mission trips, including 5 trips to Nicaragua.
Wilkins Appreciation Award 2021
Personal Quote:There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.” -Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain